BDes Interior Design College In Bangalore | IDeA World Design College

Enhance Your Design Dreams with Cutting-edge BDes Interior Design College in Bangalore

PGP - Data Science and Business Analytics

  • 3 Years Program
  • 100% Placement Assistance
  • 2 - 4 Lacs Starting Salary
Unlimited Access

Spend your time with loved ones

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Outline your future in the interior designing sector

  • Creating spaces that can elevate human experience – that’s the core fundamental of interior design, and it is an essential and powerful part of our daily lives. It has a profound effect in our everyday doings and possesses a rare capability of enhancing the output of our activities when we are part of beautiful homes, workplaces, and public spaces.

  • If your dream is to create mind-blowing interior designs then you are in the right place. As a future designer, it will be your responsibility to anticipate the needs of the people and design spaces that will positively enrich their lives when using it. You will be able to do so only when you have the appropriate design sense, skill sets to bring your vision to life, and technical skills to execute your vision from beginning to end. When these essentials are combined, you will become a true genius as a designer.

  • And that’s what this course will help you become.

  • Mentored by Thomas Abraham, one of India’s leading design personalities, this BDes design program has six semesters of rigorous knowledge transfer with hands-on teaching and 1 year of fully paid internship in top design firms within the country. The course is also affiliated with Bangalore Central University, with an opportunity to do multiple certifications from globally established design bodies based out of the US. You will also be part of live projects from the beginning and an active participant in international design exhibitions where you will get a firsthand experience of the best interior design works from across the globe. In a nutshell, this is the course that will make you a fabulous interior designer.

Let us help you achieve the same

Course Syllabus - BDes in Interior Designing

Here is the syllabus that will enhance your design skills.

Diploma in Interior Design - This program is best for those who want to get into the industry faster with all the basics and essential knowledge in place. With world class skills at your fingertips, you can get started at the earliest and gain more experience on the go. Here is the syllabus for the course.

  • Principles of Design

  • Graphic Presentation(Basic)

  • Plans, Elevations, Sections, Perspectives

  • Buildings Services(Basic) - Air Conditioning, Electrical, Sanitary and Lighting Systems

  • Building Materials - Glass,Natural & Processed Woods, Metal, Carpets, Curtains, Upholstery, Flooring Materials, Wall Finishes, Lamps and Luminaries, Plastics, Insulation Materials, Kitchen Appliances, Security System, Energy Conservation Systems, False Ceilings, False Floors, Mezzanines, Staircases, Paints & Polishes, Wood Joinery

  • Landscaping, Vastu Shastra

  • Design of Residential Interiors

  • Design of Commercial Interiors

  • Furniture Design, hropometrics and Ergonomics

  • Golden Mean, Proportion, Balance, Rhythm, Scale, Unity and Harmony

  • Professional Practice, Costing and Estimation

  • Software : AutoCad, 3ds Max, PhotoShop

Bachelors in Interior Design - Affiliated to Bangalore University, this course takes you from the very basics of interior design to the most advanced concepts with hands-on experience, including industry exposure and a full year of internship with leading design firms. Here is the syllabus for the course.

Semester 1
  • Language I

  • Language II

  • CC&EC

  • Colours in interiors

  • Constitution of India and Human Rights

  • Construction Interiors

  • Interior Design Studio & Building System Technology I

  • Principles of Interior Design

Semester 2
  • Language I

  • Language II

  • CC&EC

  • Basics of AER & Graphics in Interior

  • Interior Design Studio & Building System Technology II

  • Lighting in Interiors

  • Environment & Public Health

Semester 3
  • Language I

  • Language II

  • CC&EC

  • Draftsmanship I

  • Basics of Computer Application - AutoCAD I

  • Communication skill

  • Art on Textiles in Interior

Semester 4
  • Language I

  • Language II

  • Applied Art in Interior

  • CC&EC

  • Basics of Computer Application - AutoCAD II

  • Draftsmanship II

  • Life Skill & Personality

Semester 5
  • Soft Furnishings

  • Interior Services

  • In-house Training

  • Human Resource Development

  • Furniture Designing I

  • Construction Detailing

  • Architectural Textiles

Semester 6
  • Entrepreneurship Development

  • Ergonomics in Interior

  • Furniture Designing II

  • Gardening & Landscaping

  • Indian History, Culture & Diversity

  • Interior Space Designing

  • Residential & Kitchen Designing

Duration of BDes in Interior Designing in Bangalore

As mentioned earlier, the course is designed with 3 years of intense hands-on learning, followed by 1 year of fully paid internship. You will be molded into a stellar interior designer during this course of time.


The Eligibility Criteria to Join BDes in Interior Designing in Bangalore

  • To be part of this course you should have a minimum qualification of 12th or PUC.

Read complete guide on Interior Design Course Eligibility Criteria, Scope, Duration, Syllabus Skills Required

Course Fee for BDes in Interior Designing

At IDeA Worldwide, we have fee structures that are student oriented and very competitive in nature compared to all the design schools in the country. With our sole vision of bringing world class education to deserving students, we have formulated an ideal fee structure that will help you through this journey. Reach out to our team who will guide you through all the details of the course and give you the fee structure.

Your Future In Our Hands Is Always 100% Guaranteed.

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Empowered with Online Coaching Option

You can pursue this diploma online as well. Since Covid-19 has become part of our daily lives, many students and their families have challenges to travel or move as freely as they used to be. Nevertheless, thanks to our fantastic team at IDeA the parents were absolutely happy as we have made all the technological changes to continue education during this new normal. And we have been rigorously giving the best experience and knowledge to our students through cutting edge online platforms.

We have developed a perfect curriculum to suit the online needs which covers all subjects of course with clearly-defined lessons, coaching from mentors, projects, software usage, and much more. It applies to our future students. If you are facing difficulties in making it to live classes or unable to travel due to covid restrictions, then you can be rest assured as we will provide the same level of world-class education online.

If you are unable to travel due to covid restrictions and concerns or any other hindrance then you can put your worries to rest and access the entire course online.

All Versions Rating

Based on 7.296 user reviews (App Store & Google Play)

Never Stop Learning

You Can Learn It Online

The pandemic has affected our coaching drastically through 2020. However, we never disappointed our students as we have created perfect online options for all the programs. If you are looking for online sessions then you can use our online mode of training, which has the same intensity as the live courses, and ace your exams.

Text, Voice & Video Calls

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Stickers, Emojis, Themes

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The Ideal Faculty to Guide You

Our in-house faculty and our visiting faculty are leaders in the industry and they have commendable achievements in their interior design career. Their inputs and knowledge transfer will help you reach stellar heights during your interior design career.

Here are the faculty members that will be part of the course.

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The Ideal Faculty to Guide You

Our in-house faculty and our visiting faculty are leaders in the industry and they have commendable achievements in their interior design career. Their inputs and knowledge transfer will help you reach stellar heights during your interior design career.

Here are the faculty members that will be part of the course.

Why Choose IDeA?

Because we’re the veterans in the industry and we have all the knowledge you require to make your dreams come true. Also, our BDes interior design course specializing in multiple facets of industry-demanding design skills, is the only course of its kind in Bangalore to incorporate commercial, residential, and industrial design into a single comprehensive design course. As the world around us rapidly changes, IDeA Worldwide has responded to the employers and enthusiasts in the industry by offering this skill-driven interior design course that equips its students with important design skills that can be put to application in a multitude of interior design roles and careers.

The only reason to put so much effort in making this course truly spectacular is that interior designers work with multiple professionals, including graphic designers, architects, engineers, entrepreneurs, business owners and many more. The everyday work of an interior designer demands skills such as goal setting, project management, research and data collection, conceptualization, creative thinking, design thinking, problem solving, documentation, material selection, contract administration, and post- and pre- design services.

About admission procedure at IDeA

  • Step 1 : Fill the application form

    Apply by filling a simple

    online application form
  • Step 2 : Admissions Test & Interview

    Go through an admission test and a screening call with the Admission Director’s office..

  • Step 3 : Join Program

    An offer letter will be rolled out to the select few candidates. Secure your seat by paying the admission fee.

Career Opportunities After Completing the Course

  • At IDeA, we are dedicated to help our students with the best career opportunities. While our in-house team continues to help you in realizing a dream job or probably start your entrepreneurial journey, you will realize that the skills and confidence you possess after the course will open doors to multiple opportunities beyond your imagination.

  • Also, during our industry visits and alumni connections, you will be able to make all the necessary connections required to kick start a great interior design career. Talk to us today to get more information.

Download Brochure

Upcoming Application Deadline

Our admissions close once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming batch. Apply early to secure your seats.

Testimonials From Students of Our Course

930 Reviews


Not convinced yet, here are some of the testimonials:

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John Sweet

Mac Store Review, USA

An augue cubilia laoreet undo magna a suscipit egestas magna ipsum at ligula vitae purus ipsum primis cubilia

Mark Hodges

Marketing Manager, Company

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Dominic Johnson

Chief Strategist, Company

Available for iOS 8 and Android Devices From 5.5

Got Questions?

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A degree will equip you with all the right skills and the connection required to become an industry-leading interior designer. Without that, your journey will be quite hard and at times disheartening. At IdeA, we’re dedicated to making your journey a delightful one from the beginning.

Yes, an interior design degree that’s equipped with world-class knowledge, well-established faculty, and a doorway to tremendous opportunities is definitely worth your time, money, and effort.

Have more questions? Ask your question here

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